Activities and Elections Director
1. Promote running for office through articles in BC-SNA newsletter and broadcast emails to be submitted to the Communications & Website Director.
2. Be present at Welcome Day Orientation.
3. Contact all individuals who have expressed an interest in running for office to encourage them to submit an application.
4. Review applications for Bakersfield College CNSA Chapter National Office and choose a Slate of Candidates with the executive board and faculty advisor, through majority vote after reviewing all applications.
5. Act as a resource for Bakersfield College SNA Chapter.
6. Contribute articles/updates to chapter newsletter as needed.
7. Serve as Campaign Manager for State and National Board Positions.
8. Attend all CNSA meetings.
9. Prior to Election:
a) Select and promote theme for semester’s election.
b) Update/approve applications to be included in candidates’ packets.
c) Make newsletter announcements regarding available positions.
d) Update board members of running candidates.
e) Verify the credentials for candidates.
10. During Election:
a) Establish/oversee the functions of the Campaign Headquarters, and form committees for campaign.
b) Conduct Meet and Greet times/sessions.
c) Provide a briefing for all candidates.
d) Monitor and investigate complaints of campaign violations with faculty advisors and executive board.
e) Collect names of potential Tellers (non-board members) to conduct the voting. (Actual tellers to be appointed by President.)
f) Oversee tellers and voting on Election Day.
g) Present the new officers to the Board.
11. Form and act as chairperson for the special projects committee.
12. Host a minimum of one party per semester, preferably end of semester party, in coordination with the Fundraising coordinator and Treasurer. This party should be used as an informative session, discussing successes, challenges, and possible areas of improvement for BC-SNA. Students should be informed of important dates, fundraisers, and any other pertinent information.