Bakersfield College Student Nurses Association (BC-SNA) Bylaws
(Revised November 2012)
Section 1. The name of this organization shall be the Bakersfield College Student Nurses Association, a local constituent chapter of the California Nursing Students’ Association and the
National Student Nurses’ Association, Inc., hereinafter referred to as BC-SNA, CNSA, and NSNA
Section 1. Purpose
A. To assume responsibility for contributing to nursing education in order to provide for the
highest quality of health care.
B. To provide programs representative of fundamental interests and concerns to nursing students.
C. To aid in the development of the whole person, including his/her professional role, his/her
responsibility for health care of people in all walks of life.
Section 2. Function
A. To have direct input into standards of nursing education and influence the education process.
B. To influence health care, nursing education, and practice through legislative activities as
C. To promote and encourage participation in community affairs and activities towards health
care and the resolution of related social issues.
D. To represent nursing students to the consumer, to institutions, and other organizations.
E. To promote and encourage students' participation in interdisciplinary activities.
F. To promote and encourage recruitment efforts, participation in student activities, and
educational opportunities regardless of a person's race, color, creed, national origin, ethnicity,
age, gender, marital status, lifestyle, disability or economic status.
G. To promote and encourage collaborative relationships with nursing and health related
H. To serve BC-SNA members as being a source of information, support, and encouragement
regarding job search, state board licensure exams, and undergraduate/graduate education.
Section 1. For recognition as a CNSA constituent chapter and NSNA constituent chapter, BC-SNA shall
submit annually the Official Application for CNSA constituency status and NSNA constituency status which shall include the following areas of conformity: Objectives and Purpose, Membership, Dues, and
Section 2.BC-SNA will participate in the Council of Chapter Representatives (CoCR) according to State
Bylaws. The elected BC-SNA Board representative will attend the CoCR South Meetings, as funding and availability allows. One (or more) BC-SNA faculty representative(s) will attend CNSA annual state conference and NSNA annual national conference, along with BC-SNA delegates and board members, as funding and availability allow. For an explanation and definition of the structure of CoCR, see CNSA Bylaws (Article VII).
Section 1. School Constituent
A. School constituent membership is composed of active or associate members who are members
of the NSNA and the state association when one exists.
B. BC- SNA shall be composed of at least 10 members from Bakersfield College ADN program or taking pre-requisites for BC ADN program at Bakersfield College. There shall be only one chapter on this school campus.
C. For yearly recognition as a constituent, an officer of the BC-SNA shall submit annually the
Official Application for NSNA Constituency Status which shall include the following areas of
conformity: purpose and functions, membership, dues, and representation.
D. A constituent association that fails to comply with the bylaws and policies of NSNA shall have
its status as a constituent revoked by a 2/3 vote of the Board of Directors, provided that written
notice of the proposed revocation has been given at least two months prior to the vote and the
constituent association is given an opportunity to be heard.
E. BC-SNA is an entity separate and apart from NSNA and its administration of activities, with
NSNA and CNSA exercising no supervision or control over these immediate daily and regular
activities. NSNA and CNSA have no liability for any loss, damages, or injuries sustained by third
parties as a result of the acts (responsible or negligence) of BC-SNA or the members thereof. In the event that any legal proceedings are brought against NSNA and CNSA,BC-SNA will indemnify and hold
harmless the NSNA and CNSA from any liability.
Section 2. Categories of Constituent Membership
Members of the constituent associations shall be:
A. Active members:
1. Students enrolled in state approved programs leading to licensure as a registered nurse.
2. Registered nurses enrolled in programs leading a baccalaureate degree with a major in
3. Active members shall have all the privileges of membership.
B. Associate members:
1. Bakersfield College Pre-nursing students, including registered nurses, enrolled in college or university programs designed as preparation for entrance into a program leading to an associate degree,
Diploma, or baccalaureate degree in nursing.
2. Associate members shall have all of the privileges of membership except the right to hold
office as president or vice president at local, state, and national levels.
C. Individual members:
Individual membership shall be open at the national level to any eligible student when
membership in a constituent association is not available. Individual members shall have the
privileges of membership as prescribed in NSNA bylaws.
D. Active and associate membership shall be renewable annually.
Section 3.
Active and associate NSNA membership may be extended six months beyond graduation from a student's program in nursing, providing membership was renewed while the student was enrolled in a nursing program.
Section 1.
A. The Annual NSNA dues for active and associate members shall be $35 per new member, plus $10 school dues, payable for the appropriate dues year. The dues for renewal of membership shall be $40 per continuing member, plus $10 school dues, payable for the appropriate year. The dues year for membership shall be a period of twelve consecutive months.
B. The annual NSNA dues for active and associate members joining for two years shall be $70 per
member, plus $20 school dues, payable for the appropriate dues years. The dues years for these members shall be a period of twenty-four consecutive months.
C. BC-SNA may charge additional chapter dues to its members, but only with a majority rule from
the BC-SNA Board of Directors.
D. Dues for NSNA membership will be paid by Bakersfield College nursing, pre-nursing, honorary, or sustaining members online at www.nsna.org and school chapter fees of $10 per year will be collected by Bakersfield College Student Nurses Association via cash or check.
E. National dues shall be payable directly to NSNA. NSNA shall remit to each state constituent the dues received on behalf of the constituent. NSNA shall not collect nor remit school chapter dues. Membership in CNSA is automatic when a student becomes a member of NSNA.
F. Any member who fails to pay current dues shall forfeit all privileges of membership.
Section 1. Composition
A. The governing body of BC-SNA shall be the Board of Directors. The elected officers of the
Board of Directors shall consist of the: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer,
Communications/ Website Director, Membership (Project-in-Touch Recruiter) Director, Fundraising
Coordinator, Community Health Project Director, Breakthrough to Nursing Director, Activities & Elections (A&E) Director, and Council of Chapters BC-SNA Board Representative.
B. Any active member or individual member in good standing may be nominated to serve in any
elected position of the association.
C. Any associate member in good standing may be nominated to serve in any elected position
except for the offices of President and Vice President.
D. An active member of BC-SNA shall be eligible to be a candidate for office provided he/she shall be a
nursing student for the entire term of office.
E. No individual shall hold more than one voting position on the Board of Directors.
F. Each board position shall be allowed only one vote.
G. All officers shall be elected according to the election schedule, either in the spring or the fall, by
the eligible membership of BC-SNA at the official election and shall serve for up to two
semesters (one year). No current 4th semester members may be eligible to be elected for a board position.
H. Each officer shall hold their position for up to two of the semesters following their election. At
the end of term, each officer will meet with the newly elected officer to go over their job
description and responsibilities, as in a preceptorship. In addition, each officer shall act in a resource capacity to the newly elected officer during the following semester.
Section 2. Responsibilities
A. The Board of Directors shall be responsible for:
1. Transacting business of the association between membership meetings and shall report
such transactions at the next regularly scheduled membership meeting.
2. Filling vacancies in any office by two-thirds majority vote of Board of Directors except the
office of President.
3. Reviewing monetary disbursements, acquisitions and fund raising activities and shall be
responsible for procuring persons for audit of all accounts on an annual basis.
Section 3. Vacancies
A. Events causing vacancies: A vacancy or vacancies in the Board of Directors shall be deemed to
exist on the occurrence of the death, resignation, removal, or disqualification of any officer.
Except as otherwise set forth in these bylaw as, a vacancy in any office shall be filled only in the
manner prescribed in the bylaws for regular appointments to that office.
B. Removal of officers: Subject to the rights under these bylaws, any officer may be removed with
cause, by a 2/3 agreement by the Board of Directors, at any Board Meeting.
C. Resignation of officers: Except as provided in this paragraph, any officer may resign, whose
resignation shall be effective immediately on giving written notice to the Board of Directors,
unless the notice specifies a later time for the resignation to become effective. However, a two week notice is appreciated.
D. Replacement of officers: A 2/3 majority of the officers of the Board of Directors remaining in
the office may elect a successor to a vacancy, except for a vacancy in the office of the
President. The Vice-President shall assume the office of the President in the event of a vacancy.
E. Temporary vacancy: Should a vacancy of a position occur, any willing Board member can
assume the responsibility of the position, until a qualified replacement can be found, but will
only constitute one voting position.
Section 4. Duties of the Board of Directors shall consist of:
A. President
1. Preside at all BC-SNA meetings, appoint special committees as needed, perform all other
duties pertaining to the office and represent this association in all matters to the local state
nurses association, the local league for nursing, state nursing student association, National
Student Nurses' Association, and other professional and student organizations.
2. Lead all BC-SNA meetings or delegate (as appropriate) to alternate board member(s).
3. Stay informed of all CNSA local, state, and national activities by participating in the CNSA
President’s forum, monitoring new issues of NSNA News, Imprint, and Range of Motion,
and by reporting relevant information such as scholarships, contests, programs, and
activities at Open Meetings.
4. Be knowledgeable about all the club offices and stay up-to-date with club projects.
5. Prepare agenda for board meetings and general meetings.
6. Communicate frequently with CNSA Faculty Advisors and Vice President via meetings,
phone calls and emails as needed.
7. Write a “Message from the President” article for submission to BC-SNA newsletters to include relevant BC-SNA, CNSA, and NSNA events, in collaboration with the Vice President.
8. Interface with campus departments in the following manner:
a) Complete Annual ASG requisition application for funds with Faculty Advisor and
attend ASG and senate meeting as needed.
b) Attend faculty meetings as requested
c) Serve as Interclub Council (ICC) representative and register BC-SNA as an On
Campus Organization in the absence of an ICC representative.
d) Maintain communication with BC-SNA Council of Chapter Representatives (CoCR) regarding
important dates, deadlines, the submission of resolutions, and CNSA procedure in
the absence of BC-SNA CoCR Representative.
9. Attend conventions and organize events as needed by convention chair, assisting Treasurer, Vice President, and Activities & Elections Chair as needed.
10. Coordinate planning of the budget with the Vice President and Treasurer.
11. Collaborate with the Activities & Elections Chair, Vice President, and Faculty Advisor to coordinate board member elections.
12. Lead, oversee, participate and/or delegate the orientation/guidance of new Board
13. Submit the Official Application for CNSA Constituency Status as designated.
14. Submit the Official Application for NSNA Constituency Status as designated.
15. Receive reporting information from Membership Director/Project in Touch recruiter on
chapter membership status.
16. Assume the duties of the Project in Touch recruiter should a vacancy occur in that office.
17. Notify CNSA of events such as career fairs, speaking engagements, and other events in
order to encourage the participants of other local Student Nurses’ Associations, as deemed
18. Coordinate the Meet and Greet.
19. Collaborate with President to create and conduct student surveys for interests in speakers and topics each semester.
20. Be responsible for accountability of Board members (Article IX: Section 2.F).
21. Provide summary of activities and involvement for the year to the Faculty Advisor at the
end of the term.
B. Vice President
1. Assume responsibility of the office of President in the event of the vacancy occurring in the
office until the next regular election.
2. Attend all BC-SNA meetings and preside at meetings in the absence of the President.
3. Assist the President as delegated and act as advisor to the President.
4. Be knowledgeable about all the club offices and stay up-to-date with club projects.
5. Attend conventions and organize events as needed by A&E chair, assisting Treasurer,
President and Convention Chair as needed.
6. Communicate frequently with CNSA Faculty Advisors and President via meetings, phone
calls and emails as needed.
7. Serve as chairperson of the bylaws committee and be responsible for review and
recommending changes in the bylaws.
8. Serve as a resource person regarding parliamentary procedure.
9. Stay informed of nursing related legislative activities at the local, state, and national level,
monitoring new issues of NSNA News, Imprint, and Range of Motion and being informed on
resolution matters. Collaborate with President to communicate to BC-SNA members.
10. Assist the President to interface with campus departments in the following manner:
a) Completion of Annual ASG requisition application for funds with Faculty Advisor
and attend ASG and senate meeting as needed.
b) Attend faculty meetings as requested.
11. Coordinate planning of the budget with the President and Treasurer.
12. Collaborate with the A&E Chair, President, and Faculty Advisor to coordinate board
member elections.
13. Contribute articles summarizing CNSA/ NSNA News & Events to the BC-SNA President , which will be included in relevant BC-SNA newsletters.
14. Assume the duties of the Community Health Director, Breakthrough to Nursing Director,
and Communications Director should a vacancy occur in either office.
15. Greet and introduce speakers or guest speakers at meetings unless otherwise arranged.
16. Reserve rooms and staff for meeting dates as needed.
17. Provide the President and Faculty Advisor with brief overview of the speaker and the
topic(s) to be discussed two weeks prior to meeting.
18. Collaborate with President for general meeting agenda.
19. Recruit Board members (committees) or other CNSA members to assist with General meeting signing in, food distribution, seating people, etc.
20. Collaborate with President to create and conduct student surveys for interests in speakers and topics each semester.
C. Secretary
1. Record and electronically distribute the minutes of all BC-SNA meetings via email within one week
to President, Vice President, and Faculty Advisors for review. Then electronically submit finalized
minutes to the entire board after approval from President, VP, and Faculty member(s).
2. Be responsible for having members sign in for attendance at all Board Meetings.
3. Update CNSA Board Contact List at every General and Executive Board Meeting.
4. Create word files and save all minutes, agendas, and Board Contact Lists in electronic
format to be turned in at the end of each semester to the Faculty Advisor. A phone and email contact list of all BC-SNA board members will be obtained at the first meeting of every semester.
5. Keep on file as a permanent record all reports, papers and documents submitted to the
6. Refer to duly appointed committees for the necessary records for the completion of
7. Forward minutes to the state nursing student association board as well as the names and
contacts of all officers and committee chairpersons after their election or appointment.
8. Deliver to the newly elected Secretary all association papers.
9. Be responsible for the appearance of the CNSA bulletin board, updating as appropriate.
10. Keep a master calendar of all BC-SNA, CNSA, and NSNA activities and provide all Board
members and Faculty Advisors with a copy within the first 2 weeks of each semester. Submit a calendar for each issue of web site.
11. Assist the Membership Director to review the monthly General Meeting Sign-in Sheet.
12. Assist with follow-up phone calls or emails to students who have indicated an interest to
help with CNSA club events/activities.
13. Be responsible for sending personal notes, i.e. thank you notes, congratulations, sympathy,
and milestones.
14. Contribute articles to BC-SNA newsletter as needed.
15. Attend all CNSA meetings. If attendance cannot be made at a meeting, a four hour notice to the President is needed, who will then appoint a selected board member to take minutes of the meeting.
16. Perform all other duties as assigned by the President as necessary to assist Board members
and BC-SNA.
17. Provide summary of activities and involvement for the year to the Faculty Advisor at the
end of the term.
D. Treasurer
1. Collaborate with President, Vice President, and Faculty Advisor to plan the budget.
2. Be accountable for all CNSA transactions, deposits, funding requests through ASG office.
3. Sign requisitions for all CNSA funds with the President or Faculty Advisor’s notifications;
request reimbursements for money.
4. Serve as Lead Convention Coordinator to set up accommodations with travel for
Convention & club activities.
5. Prepare financial reports submitted at the Board of Directors Meeting.
6. Validate and reconcile all cash with a fellow Board member or Faculty Advisor for all
7. Maintain transaction records; report and insure that financial records are submitted at the
end of each semester.
8. Assist A&E Coordinator with transactions for food at general meetings or other
sponsored events.
9. Contribute articles/updates to BC-SNA newsletter as needed.
10. Attend all CNSA meetings.
E. The Website & Communications Director shall:
1. Staff the website at his/her discretion.
2. Publish and electronically distribute the BC-SNA newsletter, three times per semester
with special editions as deemed necessary.
3. Be a liaison between webmaster and the board to coordinate updates and changes to the
4. Plan budget for website and newsletter prior to the beginning of each semester, to be presented at the first meeting.
5. Send mass/broadcast email announcements each Sunday and as needed.
6. Seek outside funding for BC-SNA newsletter, if needed, communicating with Fundraising Coordinator and Treasurer.
7. Send articles of interest to Range of Motion and Imprint Magazine at least once a semester.
8. Collaborate with A&E Director to promote and encourage BC-SNA members to run for office, and post web list of all members who wish to run for selected offices at least 1 week prior to each election.
9. Collaborate with Secretary to maintain a current web calendar of events.
10. Collaborate with all board members to keep website & newsletter current and complete.
11. Appoint a chair and committee for overseeing the BC-SNA/ CNSA communication board, who will collaborate with communications director by keeping the communication board current and appropriate. The chair & committee may collaborate with Breakthrough to Nursing director to consult regarding layout of the board and projection of a positive image of nursing.
F. The Membership (Project in Touch Recruiter) Director shall:
1. Coordinate recruitment and retention of future and past members of BC-SNA and present
a plan prior to the beginning of each semester.
2. Register as the Project in Touch Recruiter by June 15; order membership applications from
NSNA, and enter the Recruiter number in each application; participate in new student
orientation as the Project in Touch Recruiter; and forward all applications to the processing
center in Ohio by the fifth week of a new semester.
3. Maintain a current membership list and will provide a list of members in good standing by
semester to each Class Representative for use in BC-SNA business (elections, etc.).
4. Actively recruit new CNSA members by attending and facilitating New Student
Orientation/BBQ, Welcome Day, Club Rush, and various other club activities.
5. Organize/make presentations and announcements about CNSA events to pre-requisite nursing
6. Keep copies of the CNSA application readily available.
7. Become a Project In-Touch (PIT) Recruiter through NSNA.
8. Review each General Meeting “Sign-In Sheet” and contact students who have indicated
desire to join CNSA or assist with an activity.
9. Track NSNA (CNSA) membership; submit new member name(s) to the Communications & Website
Director so they can be welcomed in the newsletter; tallies membership; contact expiring
members regarding renewal.
10. Forward chapter membership roster to Secretary and Vice President for sorting prior to
each general meeting.
11. Correlate with Secretary to contact students from general meetings who express interest in
helping with future CNSA activities.
12. Create and develop appropriate PowerPoint presentation for recruitment purposes, which will be reviewed by the board prior to presenting.
13. Contribute articles/updates to chapter newsletter as needed.
14. Attend all CNSA meetings.
15. Continually promote a positive image of nursing, be courteous and respectful of others at all times.
G. Fundraising Coordinator(s) shall:
1. Coordinate all fundraising projects.
2. Establish a list of fundraising activities for the year by the beginning of each semester.
3. Schedule and organize all fundraising activities including Opportunity Drawings (raffles), spill-proof mug sales, convention fundraisers, recycled uniform sales, book sales, and any approved fundraiser.
4. Coordinate with the Treasurer in the payment of vendors, depositing of fundraising monies
and tracking of BC-SNA inventory on hand.
5. Track/inventory give-away items and opportunity drawing tickets. Create tickets for special
events and drawings, after approval by faculty board member.
6. Inform all students of items for sale, and submit a fundraising order form to each Class
Representative by the first open meeting of each semester.
7. Attend and fundraise at (all possible) conventions (State, Mid-Year, Annual).
8. Market our projects to appropriate student body, faculty, and press using posters, Lariat,
announcements, marquee, etc.
9. Prepare donation request letters/forms, marquees requests, etc. Prior to use must be
reviewed by the faculty advisor.
10. Obtain approval for all product designs from Faculty Advisor, and/or Dean of Nursing.
11. Communicate/forward all information to Vice President for mass email bulletins.
12. Delegate jobs and duties to other general members when needed, form committees.
13. Work with President, Vice President, Faculty advisor, and Treasurer on funding requests for
projects as needed.
14. Contribute articles/updates to chapter newsletter as needed.
15. Attend all CNSA meetings.
16. Have CNSA letter/receipt with Tax ID number available to donators.
17. T-shirt fundraising is not an option under any circumstances, due to t-shirt sales being used solely for 4th semester pinning ceremony fundraising.
I. Community Health Project Coordinator:
1. Coordinate Community Health Projects.
2. Form and act as chairperson of the Community Health Projects Committee.
3. Schedule and organize community outreach projects in accordance to the CNSA/NSNA plan.
4. Schedule and organize local CNSA Chapter Community Outreach events & BC-SNA events.
5. Be responsible for marketing our projects to appropriate student body, faculty, and press
using posters, Lariat, announcements, marquee, etc.
6. Submit mass email announcements to the Communications & Website Director to post on site.
7. Obtain appropriate request forms and obtain signature of faculty advisor.
8. Delegate jobs and duties to other general members when needed.
9. Contribute or delegate submission of articles/updates to BC-SNA newsletter on all Community Health
10. Attend CoCR/ SAC meetings as needed. (Review CoCR responsibilities)
11. Attend all CNSA meetings.
J. Breakthrough to Nursing Director:
1. Serve as the chairperson of the BTN Committee.
2. Continually promote a positive image of nursing students.
3. Promote diversity in nursing.
4. Promote recruitment and retention of men and minorities.
5. Serve as a Liaison between CNSA/NSNA Breakthrough to Nursing chairpersons.
6. Coordinate activities with the CNSA/NSNA Breakthrough to Nursing projects.
7. Identify and compile a listing of state and national financial aid resources for nursing
8. Write articles related to Breakthrough to Nursing for each issue of BC-SNA newsletter.
9. Contact the Bakersfield College Counseling Center to obtain local High School Career Day
dates/activities, i.e. Family Night (Fall Semester), Nursing Open House night
10. Actively seek out opportunities to recruit—Example: Participates in a High School Career
11. Participate in the Bakersfield College Nursing Open House & 1st Semester orientation night.
12. Create/submit a recruitment activity poster for Convention.
13. Share responsibility for attending the ICC meetings and other ASG functions.
14. Contribute articles/updates to chapter newsletter as needed
15. Attend all CNSA meetings.
K. Activities and Elections (A&E) Director
1. Promote running for office through articles in BC-SNA newsletter and broadcast emails to be
submitted to the Communications & Website Director.
2. Be present at Welcome Day Orientation.
3. Contact all individuals who have expressed an interest in running for office to encourage
them to submit an application.
4. Review applications for Bakersfield College CNSA Chapter National Office and choose a
Slate of Candidates with the executive board and faculty advisor, through majority vote after reviewing all applications.
5. Act as a resource for Bakersfield College SNA Chapter.
6. Contribute articles/updates to chapter newsletter as needed.
7. Serve as Campaign Manager for State and National Board Positions.
8. Attend all CNSA meetings.
9. Prior to Election:
a) Select and promote theme for semester’s election.
b) Update/approve applications to be included in candidates’ packets.
c) Make newsletter announcements regarding available positions.
d) Update board members of running candidates.
e) Verify the credentials for candidates.
10. During Election:
a) Establish/oversee the functions of the Campaign Headquarters, and form committees for campaign.
b) Conduct Meet and Greet times/sessions.
c) Provide a briefing for all candidates.
d) Monitor and investigate complaints of campaign violations with faculty advisors
and executive board.
e) Collect names of potential Tellers (non-board members) to conduct the voting.
(Actual tellers to be appointed by President.)
f) Oversee tellers and voting on Election Day.
g) Present the new officers to the Board.
11. Form and act as chairperson for the special projects committee.
12. Host a minimum of one party per semester, preferably end of semester party, in coordination with the Fundraising coordinator and Treasurer. This party should be used as an informative session, discussing successes, challenges, and possible areas of improvement for BC-SNA. Students should be informed of important dates, fundraisers, and any other pertinent information.
L. SC-CNSA Board Representative
1. Contribute articles/updates to chapter newsletter as needed.
2. Attend all CNSA meetings.
3. Attend Southern California CoCR meeting to present current chapter activities.
4. Attend Northern California CoCR meeting to present chapter activities (as availability of
funding allows.)
5. Attend SAC (Student Advisory Committee) meetings to discuss goals and objectives of the club
as well as plans to increase enrollment and ideas for fundraising (in communication with Fundraising Director).
6. Be responsible for coordinating member attendance to ICC events, as required by ASG.
7. Submit report to Board regarding minutes of each Southern California meeting, Northern CA meeting (if able to attend), and SAC meetings.
M. All officers shall:
1. Submit all receipts and bill to the Treasurer.
2. Attend all SC-CNSA meetings. If attendance cannot be made at a meeting, a four hour notice to the President is needed, preferably via phone.
3. Relinquish to his/her successor all official records; submit a written report of activities
accomplished to the Faculty Advisor and recommendations for the following year; and be
available for training & precepting of the newly elected officers at the turnover/training meeting, upon
termination of office.
Section 5. Absences
A. Members of the Board of Directors who have missed more than two regularly scheduled
meetings of any current term year without prior notification to the Board of Directors, and provides no valid reason for such absences, may be removed from office by a plurality vote of the
current membership present at the next scheduled meeting. The officer in question will be
notified in advance of the meeting.
B. An officer may also be removed from office by a plurality vote of the members of the Board of
Directors present at a meeting called for that purpose if that officer is deemed negligent in the
functions of that office as stated in these bylaws.
C. Prior notification of two weeks shall be given to the individual in question and a special Board
of Directors meeting shall be held to review the circumstances.
Section 1.BC-SNA shall have at least one Faculty Advisor to serve as a consultant and resource person as selected by the BC Nursing Program Dean, who will serve a term of two years. All BC-SNA expenditures over $100.00 per event must have prior approval by a Faculty Advisor. The faculty advisor will have no dues.
Section 2. At least one Faculty Advisor must be present at all BC-SNA meetings during the Fall and Spring semesters. The Faculty Advisors may alternate meeting attendance.
Section 1. Election of Board of Directors
A. Elections shall be held within the first five weeks of each semester.
B. All elections shall be by secret ballot.
C. A plurality vote of the members present and entitled to vote and voting shall constitute an
official election.
D. In the event of a tie, a revote shall be held. If another tie, a coin toss (completed by the Faculty advisor) will determine the elected member.
E. Polling of votes will be completed by A&E director, one faculty advisor, and at least one teller (a non-board member).
Section 1. General Meetings
A. Meetings shall be held at least four times a semester.
B. Meetings shall be coordinated by the elected A&E director, who will arrange a speaker (if available)
who will provide information, support, and encouragement regarding job search,
state board licensure exams and undergraduate/graduate education.
C. Lunch may be provided free of charge to all active members and for $5.00 to non-members,
as funding allows.
Section 2. Board Meetings
A. Adjournment: A majority of the officers present, whether or not constituting a quorum, may
adjourn any meeting to another time and place.
B. Quorum: A majority of the Board of Directors authorized number of officers shall constitute a
quorum for the transaction of business, except to adjourn as provided in Section 6 of Article VI.
A phone or e-mail vote conducted by the President is sufficient to compromise a quorum. A
phone or e-mail vote shall be used only if officers cannot meet to conduct a vote. During
summer and winter breaks a quorum of the Board of Directors is necessary to transact any
C. All motions must be added to the agenda and allow a minimum of two days for review by board
D. If requested by a board member, voting may take place via ballot when coordinated prior to
E. Unfinished Business: Before the current board transacts unfinished business from the previous
semesters, there must be documentation (official minutes) that the previous board had said
business on the agenda. If no documentation can be provided, the decision to carry out topic is
up to the current Board of Directors.
F. Attendance to all meetings is mandatory for Board members. Attendance may be excused by
contacting the President 4 hours in advance. If any necessary information needs presented at that meeting, the absent board member must email or call in with that information to the President, so it may be presented. If a Board member misses 3 meetings per year, excused or unexcused, it is the duty of the President to reaffirm if the member still wants to serve on the Board. The President will then present the situation to the remaining Board members. The remaining Board members will decide by a 2/3 majority if the said member will still be able to serve on the Board.
Section 3. Special Meetings: Special meetings of the Board of Directors for any purpose may be called at any time by the President or Vice-President. All Board members must be notified 48 hours in advance and no voting on financial matters shall occur at the meeting.
Section 1. Appointments
A. Committee chair appointments shall be made by the Board of Directors and shall be deemed
standing committees unless otherwise stated at time of appointment.
B. Committee members shall be appointed by the committee chairperson or selected by the
Board of Directors from a group of volunteers.
Section 2. Responsibility
A. All committees shall be responsible to the Board of Directors for reporting committee activities
on a regular basis and shall, upon direction of the Board of Directors, report same to the
general membership.
Section 3. Standing Committees
1. We will have to come up with committees as necessary, by 2/3 vote of board members.
Section 1. Purpose and Function
A. Serve as spokesperson for this association at the annual state and national conventions.
B. Present to the state and national organizations all proposed resolutions or amendments to
bylaws or policies proposed by this association.
C. Keep informed as to all current and proposed resolutions at the state and national levels and
report information to this association's membership at regularly scheduled membership
D. Make available to members updates, explanations, and copies of current and proposed state
and national resolutions.
Section 2. Qualification and Appointment
A. Any member maintaining a grade level of C or above, who is active in BC-SNA projects and is
nominated by current membership at a regularly scheduled meeting is eligible to hold the
position of delegate.
B. Appointment shall be for one (1) year and shall be made by nomination of those members
eligible and voted on by the current membership eligible to vote and voting. The nominee
receiving the majority of votes cast shall be awarded the position.
Section 3. Delegate Representation
A. School constituents:
1. BC-SNA, when recognized as an official NSNA constituent, shall be entitled to one voting
delegate and alternate at the NSNA House of Delegates, and in addition, shall be entitled to
one voting delegate and alternate for every 50 members for the national convention. BC-SNA, as a recognized constituent determined by CNSA bylaws, shall be entitled to two
voting delegates and two alternates, and in addition, shall be entitled to one voting
delegate and one alternate for every 30 members for the state convention.
2. The BC-SNA delegate(s) and alternate shall be a member(s) in good standing in the
chapter and shall be selected and/or elected by members of the school chapter at a proper
meeting according to chapter bylaws. The school association may designate an alternate
delegate for each delegate by one of the following two mechanisms:
a) Selection and/or election by members of the school chapter according to chapter
bylaws; or
b) Written authorization to the State Board of Directors requesting them to appoint a
member of the State Board to act as a state-appointed alternate for their school
3. School chapters shall approve the appointment.
4. The State Board of Directors shall verify that any state appointed alternate is a member in
good standing of the NSNA and the state association.
5. A school chapter must have a selected and/or elected delegate present at the NSNA
Convention, in order to have a state-appointed alternate seated in the House of Delegates.
6. All alternates, whether school selected or state-appointed, shall have the same privileges as an elected delegate when seated in the House.
7. The school association shall be entitled to delegates according to the number of members
in good standing in NSNA. Delegates shall be computed on the basis of the number of
members in each constituent as evidenced by the annual dues received by NSNA on a date
eight weeks prior to the annual meeting.
Section 4. Delegate Responsibilities
A. Any delegate being financed by BC-SNA has the following responsibilities:
1. Assist in the announcement of and gathering of opinions about the resolutions that will be
presented at the national and state conventions.
2. Be in attendance at all times when the House of Delegates and States Caucus are in session,
and vote on all issues, except for times when relief by an alternate is deemed necessary.
3. Inform the nursing student body about convention activities, including submitting an article
to BC-SNA newsletter and/or posting resolution outcomes on the CNSA Board.
Amendments to the Bylaws may be made with a 2/3 vote of those present and voting at a regularly
scheduled board meeting provided that notice of proposed amendments has been sent to members at
least four weeks prior to the meeting. Only proper amendments submitted in writing and carrying the
proponent's signature will be considered.
All meetings of this association shall be conducted according to the parliamentary law as set forth in
Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised where the rules apply and are not in conflict with these bylaws.