What you need to know before applying:
- Our current meeting schedule is once a month. Occasionally, we will include another meeting if needed.
- The Vice President position is a 2 year commitment. When applying to this position you are agreeing to be Vice President for a 1 year term and you will automatically become President for your 2nd year. Because this is a 2 year commitment, anyone volunteering must be a 1st semester student
- The ICC Board Rep will need to attend ICC meetings on Friday's (on the BC campus), so you will need to be in third semester to apply for this position.
- One of the most appealing reasons our students enjoy serving on the BC-SNA board is to gain leadership experience. This experience will stand out on your resume. This can make a difference in landing your dream job!
- You also will be able to make connections with organizations in our community by coordinating volunteers for community service events. Not only will you get the opportunity to connect with our community, but you will also be able to connect with students in different semesters which can be very valuable as you move throughout the program.
Learn about the positions: