Membership Director
1. Coordinate recruitment and retention of future and past members of BC-SNA and present a plan prior to the beginning of each semester.
2. Register as the Project in Touch Recruiter by June 15; order membership applications from NSNA, and enter the Recruiter number in each application; participate in new student orientation as the Project in Touch Recruiter; and forward all applications to the processing center in Ohio by the fifth week of a new semester.
3. Maintain a current membership list and will provide a list of members in good standing by semester to each Class Representative for use in BC-SNA business (elections, etc.).
4. Actively recruit new CNSA members by attending and facilitating New Student Orientation/BBQ, Welcome Day, Club Rush, and various other club activities.
5. Organize/make presentations and announcements about CNSA events to pre-requisite nursing classes.
6. Keep copies of the CNSA application readily available.
7. Become a Project In-Touch (PIT) Recruiter through NSNA.
8. Review each General Meeting “Sign-In Sheet” and contact students who have indicated desire to join CNSA or assist with an activity.
9. Track NSNA (CNSA) membership; submit new member name(s) to the Communications & Website Director so they can be welcomed in the newsletter; tallies membership; contact expiring members regarding renewal.
10. Forward chapter membership roster to Secretary and Vice President for sorting prior to each general meeting.
11. Correlate with Secretary to contact students from general meetings who express interest in helping with future CNSA activities.
12. Create and develop appropriate PowerPoint presentation for recruitment purposes, which will be reviewed by the board prior to presenting.
13. Contribute articles/updates to chapter newsletter as needed.
14. Attend all CNSA meetings.
15. Continually promote a positive image of nursing, be courteous and respectful of others at all times.