Community Health Project Coordinator
1. Coordinate Community Health Projects.
2. Form and act as chairperson of the Community Health Projects Committee.
3. Schedule and organize community outreach projects in accordance to the CNSA/NSNA plan.
4. Schedule and organize local CNSA Chapter Community Outreach events & BC-SNA events.
5. Be responsible for marketing our projects to appropriate student body, faculty, and press using posters, Lariat, announcements, marquee, etc.
6. Submit mass email announcements to the Communications & Website Director to post on site.
7. Obtain appropriate request forms and obtain signature of faculty advisor.
8. Delegate jobs and duties to other general members when needed.
9. Contribute or delegate submission of articles/updates to BC-SNA newsletter on all Community Health events.
10. Attend CoCR/ SAC meetings as needed. (Review CoCR responsibilities)
11. Attend all CNSA meetings.