Position Description:
1. Preside at all BC-SNA meetings, appoint special committees as needed, perform all other duties pertaining to the office and represent this association in all matters to the local state nurses association, the local league for nursing, state nursing student association, National Student Nurses' Association, and other professional and student organizations.
2. Lead all BC-SNA meetings or delegate (as appropriate) to alternate board member(s).
3. Stay informed of all CNSA local, state, and national activities by participating in the CNSA President’s forum, monitoring new issues of NSNA News, Imprint, and Range of Motion, and by reporting relevant information such as scholarships, contests, programs, and activities at Open Meetings.
4. Be knowledgeable about all the club offices and stay up-to-date with club projects.
5. Prepare agenda for board meetings and general meetings.
6. Communicate frequently with CNSA Faculty Advisors and Vice President via meetings, phone calls and emails as needed.
7. Write a “Message from the President” article for submission to BC-SNA newsletters to include relevant BC-SNA, CNSA, and NSNA events, in collaboration with the Vice President.
8. Interface with campus departments in the following manner:
a) Complete Annual ASG requisition application for funds with Faculty Advisor and attend ASG and senate meeting as needed.
b) Attend faculty meetings as requested
c) Serve as Interclub Council (ICC) representative and register BC-SNA as an On Campus Organization in the absence of an ICC representative.
d) Maintain communication with BC-SNA Council of Chapter Representatives (CoCR) regarding important dates, deadlines, the submission of resolutions, and CNSA procedure in the absence of BC-SNA CoCR Representative.
9. Attend conventions and organize events as needed by convention chair, assisting Treasurer, Vice President, and Activities & Elections Chair as needed.
10. Coordinate planning of the budget with the Vice President and Treasurer.
11. Collaborate with the Activities & Elections Chair, Vice President, and Faculty Advisor to coordinate board member elections.
12. Lead, oversee, participate and/or delegate the orientation/guidance of new Board members.
13. Submit the Official Application for CNSA Constituency Status as designated.
14. Submit the Official Application for NSNA Constituency Status as designated.
15. Receive reporting information from Membership Director/Project in Touch recruiter on chapter membership status.
16. Assume the duties of the Project in Touch recruiter should a vacancy occur in that office.
17. Notify CNSA of events such as career fairs, speaking engagements, and other events in order to encourage the participants of other local Student Nurses’ Associations, as deemed appropriate.
18. Coordinate the Meet and Greet.
19. Collaborate with President to create and conduct student surveys for interests in speakers and topics each semester.
20. Be responsible for accountability of Board members (Article IX: Section 2.F).
21. Provide summary of activities and involvement for the year to the Faculty Advisor at the
end of the term.