1. Record and electronically distribute the minutes of all BC-SNA meetings via email within one week
to President, Vice President, and Faculty Advisors for review. Then electronically submit finalized minutes to the entire board after approval from President, VP, and Faculty member(s).
2. Be responsible for having members sign in for attendance at all Board Meetings.
3. Update CNSA Board Contact List at every General and Executive Board Meeting.
4. Create word files and save all minutes, agendas, and Board Contact Lists in electronic format to be turned in at the end of each semester to the Faculty Advisor. A phone and email contact list of all BC-SNA board members will be obtained at the first meeting of every semester.
5. Keep on file as a permanent record all reports, papers and documents submitted to the Secretary.
6. Refer to duly appointed committees for the necessary records for the completion of business.
7. Forward minutes to the state nursing student association board as well as the names and contacts of all officers and committee chairpersons after their election or appointment.
8. Deliver to the newly elected Secretary all association papers.
9. Be responsible for the appearance of the CNSA bulletin board, updating as appropriate.
10. Keep a master calendar of all BC-SNA, CNSA, and NSNA activities and provide all Board members and Faculty Advisors with a copy within the first 2 weeks of each semester. Submit a calendar for each issue of web site.
11. Assist the Membership Director to review the monthly General Meeting Sign-in Sheet.
12. Assist with follow-up phone calls or emails to students who have indicated an interest to help with CNSA club events/activities.
13. Be responsible for sending personal notes, i.e. thank you notes, congratulations, sympathy, and milestones.
14. Contribute articles to BC-SNA newsletter as needed.
15. Attend all CNSA meetings. If attendance cannot be made at a meeting, a four hour notice to the President is needed, who will then appoint a selected board member to take minutes of the meeting.
16. Perform all other duties as assigned by the President as necessary to assist Board members and BC-SNA.
17. Provide summary of activities and involvement for the year to the Faculty Advisor at the end of the term.