Break Through to Nursing Director
1. Serve as the chairperson of the BTN Committee.
2. Continually promote a positive image of nursing students.
3. Promote diversity in nursing.
4. Promote recruitment and retention of men and minorities.
5. Serve as a Liaison between CNSA/NSNA Breakthrough to Nursing chairpersons.
6. Coordinate activities with the CNSA/NSNA Breakthrough to Nursing projects.
7. Identify and compile a listing of state and national financial aid resources for nursing students.
8. Write articles related to Breakthrough to Nursing for each issue of BC-SNA newsletter.
9. Contact the Bakersfield College Counseling Center to obtain local High School Career Day dates/activities, i.e. Family Night (Fall Semester), Nursing Open House night
10. Actively seek out opportunities to recruit—Example: Participates in a High School Career Nights.
11. Participate in the Bakersfield College Nursing Open House & 1st Semester orientation night.
12. Create/submit a recruitment activity poster for Convention.
13. Share responsibility for attending the ICC meetings and other ASG functions.
14. Contribute articles/updates to chapter newsletter as needed
15. Attend all CNSA meetings.